
  • Bulletin
    As we near the end of this first quarter of 2021, I will present an overview of the book of Isaiah, which we have been studying this entire quarter. In summary the book of Isaiah is a Bible in miniature, in that there are 66 books in the bible and there are 66 chapters in…
  • 4 Servant Songs – Isaiah 42-53
    The Sabbath School Lesson study for March 6, 2021 is on Isaiah 49-53. I am fascinated by the fact that there are 4 Servant songs there. In summary they are: 1. The Servant of the LORD. 2. The Light to the Gentiles. 3. The Servant Israel’s Hope. 4. The Sin-Bearing Servant/ The Sin-Bearing Messiah. I…
  • The Other Side of Covid
    Today we hear much about reopening society – business, recreation and churches!  I want to share some thoughts about reopening our church! First, It will be very nice to be able to meet together and to see the whites of your eyes.  But!! – talk at a distance and don’t touch!  And “sterilize” everything before…
  • A Shelter in a Time of Storm
    23 1-3 God, my shepherd!    I don’t need a thing.You have bedded me down in lush meadows,    you find me quiet pools to drink from.True to your word,    you let me catch my breath    and send me in the right direction. 4 Even when the way goes through    Death Valley,I’m not afraid    when you walk at my side.Your trusty shepherd’s crook    makes me feel secure….

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